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Jung and the LGBTQA Family Presented by Susan Rowland, Ph.D.

Writer's picture: NAPSLeadershipNAPSLeadership

Saturday, March 4, 2023 9am to Noon (via Zoom)

Fee: $35 (members); $45 (non-members); $20 (FT Students)

3 Multicultural CEUs are available ($20 additional fee)*

Please see registration notes below*

The psychology of C. G. Jung includes ideas such as the anima as the feminine

of every man and the animus as the masculine of every woman. While

remaining valuable contributions to understanding the human condition,

these notions are given contexts in normative and outdated assumptions. In

fact, some of Jung!s own language around these generic concepts is biased

and rooted in a society that no longer exists. On the other hand, Jung was a

conservative with revolutionary ideas. Within his work can be found a vision of

gender and sexuality that is fluid, not bound by historic conventions, and in

touch with the transformative numinous. As well as re-examining how we read Jung, and how Jung liberates his own work from his own social limitations, we will also look at the new practice of Jungian Arts-Based Research as a way of seeing further into the intimate and essential creation of gender and relationships. JABR will be shown to be a

practice of psychological, social, and transformational therapy for the collective culture.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will learn to critically evaluate Jungian ideas in several key contexts including the psychology itself, and Jung's own understanding of history.

2. Participants will be able to connect different ideas about gender and sexuality (from those portrayed by Jung) to his psychology in various new and exciting ways.

3. Participants will gain an understanding of how creativity works inside Jung!s writing as well as is theorized by it.

4. Participants will understand enough about Jungian Arts-Based Research to be able to have a go at it themselves, especially in using Jungian methods such as active imagination in creative practice.

Susan Rowland (PhD) is Core Faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, California, where she teaches creativity and the psyche. She has published extensively on Jung, the feminine, ecocriticism and the arts. Books include Jung: A Feminist Revision (2002) and Jungian Arts-Based Research and the Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico (2021). These days she is writing a series of mystery novels as part of Jungian research practice. The Sacred Well Murders was published by Chiron in 2022 with The Alchemy Fire Murder due out in 2023.

*Registration Notes:

• You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay your registration fee. When directed to PayPal by Eventbrite, simply ignore the button to log in and proceed to pay as a guest.

• Registrations cannot be accepted after 6:00 pm on Friday, March 3. There are no exceptions.

• The Zoom link will be emailed to participants with their receipt from Eventbrite. Please save this in a safe place.

• CEUs are provided from Cottonwood de Tucson for AZ Licensed Professionals only

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