The Northern Arizona Psychological Society (NAPS) is an affiliate organization of the Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA). To accomplish the mission of NAPS, we hold monthly continuing education trainings or networking events. NAPS events occur predominantly in Flagstaff, AZ. Please see our events calendar for information about upcoming trainings or networking opportunities. All events are free for currently enrolled students.
Continuing education trainings most often occur on the third Friday of each month via Zoom. When in person they are most often in room 201 of the College of Education on the campus of Northern Arizona University. Those trainings offer 1.5 hours of CE credit. NAPS also offers an annual 4-hour ethics or Domestic Violence training in September to aid with licensing requirements. On average, NAPS provides 15+ hours of continuing education annually.
Networking events typically occur a few times annually. Those events are most often catered and provide an opportunity for mental health professionals in northern Arizona to become more familiar with each other and with services offered by other mental health professionals.

Membership in the Northern Arizona Psychological Society (NAPS) is open to mental health professionals, students of psychology or related programs, and educators and researchers in psychology or related fields. You can join NAPS by paying the annual membership fee of $30 using our online portal. The renewal period is December of each year with Membership going from January to December. Members of NAPS will receive email updates about events and be invited to participate in training opportunities and networking events. Please contact us at NAPSleadership@gmail.com with any questions you may have.